Canada has outstanding colleges and universities

Immigration requirements for students

Study permit

You need a study permit to study a program at DLI if the program is more than 6 months in duration.  You can study in Canada if you:

  • are enrolled at a designated learning institution (DLI)

  • prove you have enough money to pay for your tuition fees, living expenses and return transportation.

  • obey the law, have no criminal record and get a police certificate (if required)

  • are in good health and get a medical exam (if required)

  • prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your study permit expires

Please note that a study permit will not be issued for an applicant to attend a non-DLI, unless subjected to the transitional provisions.

Please contact us if you would like us to assess your situation and represent you in your application for study permit. Schedule an appointment to talk to us.